Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How To Make Paint


A pen that still works

Some water

Open up the pen and get some ink out into a small container. Add enough water to make it a bit colored, but not too watery. If possible, use a jell ink pen.

Please comment

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Easy and Natural Vanilla Chocolate Lip Balm


2 tablespoons cocoa butter

2 tablespoons beeswax, grated

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Put the cocoa butter, beeswax, and coconut oil into a glass measuring jug. Fill a pan with some water, and put the jug into the pan. put the pan on the stove and heat the water until it boils and the ingredients are melted. Turn the stove off, and take the jug out of the pan. Add the vanilla, stir well, and then put into containers. Leave in the fridge to set. Enjoy and tell us what you think!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Family Fun

Every two months, we organize a small circus (called the Hooly-Hooly Circus) which consists of my 8-year-old sister and my two 2-year-old brother. We make a list of numbered acts, and then, on the day of the circus, get our parents to come and watch our circus.

We do different tricks such as cartwheels, splits, handstands, balancing on an excercise ball, and juggling. Our list of acts looks somewhat like this:

Act 1: Cartwheels
Act 2: Trampoline Tricks
Act 3: Ball Tricks
And the list goes on.

Our next circus will be on March 7th. We have been practising like crazy recently!

Let us know what you think!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Our Theories About Natural Deodorant

"Pooh, you stink!"  This has been a frequently repeated phrase in our house, as we did not find the store-bought deodorant to be effective. This is probably because we live in the deserts of Saudi Arabia during a part of the year. As a result, my mother took our deodorant business into her hands.

Our family has always been quite healthy and tried to do everything naturally, including toothpaste, deodorant,  and beauty care. 

Our mother made our deodorant once we got old enough to be stinky. Her first deodorant was made of coconut oil, baking soda, constarch, and essential oils of tea tree and lavender. It was not too effective, but not ineffective. She improved it and changed her recipe over the years, until we had an effective deodorant.

We were fine with that, until we started smelling more. Then my mother tried different things, and in the end, found out that we had wasted quite a bit of money on ineffective deodorant! We started using baking soda, just sprinkling it over! It was very easy and effective.

We hope that this helped! Try baking soda!