Tuesday, April 30, 2013

School Life in Japan vs. the USA

School Life in JAPAN

After breakfast students walk to school. While walking to school, they wear a yellow hat and a jacket that says the school name and address. 

School in Japanese is called gakko and children start after their 6th birthday. The school year starts in April. They have school Monday-Friday and every other Saturday. They call teachers sensei, which means teacher. Daily subjects include Japanese, English, math, science, social studies, and gym. Students attend art, music, and technology classes once a week. 

They eat lunch in their classroom with their sensei. They serve the food to each other and eat with chopsticks.
Japanese students have to clean the school.  

They scrub the classroom and halls.

School Life in the USA
Students get to school walking or by bus. Some students eat breakfast at school, too.

American children begin school after their 5th birthday. The American school year runs from September to June. They have school Monday – Friday. Teachers are called by their title and last name. Daily subjects include language arts, English, math, science, and social studies. Two or three times a week, students have  gym/health, art, music, and technology classes.

They eat lunch in the cafeteria. The teachers have their own lunch room.    
American students have a full summer vacation.              

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